Home Preservation



Tri-City provides counseling service for the following MHA programs:

HAMP Home Affordable Modification Program helps homeowners who may be struggling with managing monthly mortgage payments.  Mortgage modification help to make monthly mortgage modifications more affordable and sustainable for the long-term.

HARP This program assists homeowners who are not behind on their mortgage payments but have been unable to get traditional refinancing because the value of your home has declined.  HARP is designed to help homeowners get a new, more affordable, more stable mortgage

Unemployment Program (UP) may help homeowners reduce their mortgage payments to 31 percent of their income or suspend payments altogether for 12 months or more.

NJ HomeKeeper Program – New Jersey HomeKeeper provides financial assistance to New Jersey homeowners who have a track record of making their mortgage payments on time but are now at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure as direct result of unemployment or underemployment where the income has decreased by at least 15

Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) – The Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) provides loans to homeowners at risk of foreclosure. MAP loans help homeowners achieve sustainable, affordable mortgage payments.  MAP assists homeowners with back Property Taxes

Judicial Mediation Program:  assists with foreclosure court preparation and counselor representation

In House Loan Modification: Lender/Servicer specific programs